Thursday, November 18, 2010

Interview # 3 Review Results

WINNER:  Laci L Brune

Score Card :  Results for Interview 3 Review

            I picked Laci L Brune as the winner for the third interview.  Reading her information, I learned a lot about the German exchange students.  When I read the things she wrote, it made me very interested and wanting to read more. 
            The preparations documented in her blog were good.  They were clear and when I read it, it made me understand and I could vision the steps she took to her interview.  She answered every question that was asked.  She also put a lot of thoughts into her writing.  It seemed like she was very prepared before her interview. 
            For the interview process, she did a great job.  I liked how there was the two different colors, brown and black; so I could see easier what she and her interview had said.  She asked very good open questions that it makes the interviewee talks a lot instead of the interviewee answering yes and no.  It seems like he expressed a lot of anger that was in him when Laci asked if there is anything that he’ll like to add.  I was shocked when I saw what he had said to her.  It’s good that Laci didn’t talk back or said anything because it’s all about the interviewee and not the interviewer. 
            While reading Laci’s country report, I learned even more about the country.  She had interesting facts.  She had references, so I could go on the website to see where she got her information from.  She also did a good job on quoting and paraphrasing her country report.  One interesting fact I learned from reading her country report was, when people reach age 16, they can drink beer and wine.  Also, when they reach 18, they can drink any alcoholic beverage they want.
            When I read the interview, it was good.  It was easy to read.  I didn’t have a difficult time trying to figure out what she was saying.  Her questions were interesting as well.  When I read the interviewee’s answers, it seems like it’s very similar to the American culture, for examples, the wedding traditions and rules of eye contact or body languages. 
            Overall, I think Laci’s interview presented on the blog was great.  Her writing was easy to read.  It was clear.  The colors that she chose in her background, font, and size of the letters are good.  I didn’t see any errors.  I felt like her blog was up to date and well organized.

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